The Best Lighting Styles For Your Bathroom - Bilden Home & Hardware Market

The Best Lighting Styles For Your Bathroom

Making your bathroom a sanctuary doesn't end with establishing the optimal layout or adding some greenery. Proper lighting is essential in every environment but is especially critical in the bathroom. After all, this is the room where you begin and end your day, so you want the lighting to be exactly right. But how can you select from so many distinct designs and options? Continue reading to learn about the finest bathroom lighting styles.

Your bathroom should have three sorts of lighting: task, ambient, and accent. Task lighting is exactly what it sounds like: illumination that aids in specific tasks such as shaving or applying cosmetics. This lighting should be bright but not overpowering; you don't want to be squinting in the mirror! Task lighting works best on either side of the mirror or above the sink. This style may be achieved with wall sconces, recessed lighting, or pendant lights. Ensure that the light bulbs are bright enough—roughly 75 to 100 watts.

Globe Brass Wall Light in A Bathroom

Ambient lighting illuminates the entire room. It is the primary source of lighting in your bathroom. You may consider installing a pendant light or chandelier in your bathroom. Just be cautious not to hang anything too low; that it obstructs anyone as they enter the room.  Another alternative is to install recessed lighting with a dimmer switch so that you may control the light intensity to your satisfaction.

Enamel Pendant Factory Light

Accent lighting is used to draw attention to certain aspects in a room. For example, you may use it to emphasise architectural aspects or works of art. Accent lighting in the bathroom might showcase the tile work surrounding your bathtub or shower, or it can illuminate a beautiful piece of furniture. This style can be achieved with wall lighting, picture lights, or spotlighting. Be mindful not to go overboard with the accent lighting; too much might give a gaudy appearance.

The optimum lighting may transform your bathroom from a functional environment to a peaceful sanctuary. You may create a setting that is both useful and inviting by overlaying different forms of light. So, don't underestimate the impact of good lighting—it can make or break your home.

Bilden Home & Hardware Market provide many different lighting styles, whether to illuminate an interior or accent an outdoor detail. You can find our complete collection by clicking here.

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